Local: Linux  

Linux: Firewalling

Version: 0.04 from 2001-06-05
Copyright 2001 by Peter Bieringer <pb@bieringer.de>, original site of publishing: http://www.bieringer.de/linux/firewalling/
Unlimited non-commercial distribution of this document in its entirety is encouraged - please contact the author prior to commercial publication.

Suggestions, comments and improvements are welcome!

Warning: The given script are perhaps not free of bugs and therefore I can give no warranty for protection - test it with nmap from outside to verify protection!
This page is a spin-off of the firewalling scripts and hints from my ISDN page and contains now also generalized information.


Changes to

List of common links

General information

Sources for other scripts

Packet generators, connection test tools, auditing software


Common credits to

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