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Linux: Tools

Version: 1.11 from 2019-03-16
Copyright 1997-2019 by Peter Bieringer <pb@bieringer.de>
Unlimited non-commercial distribution of this document in its entirety is encouraged - please contact the author prior to commercial publication.

No active use of the scripts anymore, so simply for historic reasons still available!


Kernel compilation script

For every one, who compile a Linux kernel more than 3 times per day...
It's named coke (compile kernel).

Display kernel patch contents

Displays the contents of a kernel patch package.
It's named paco (patch contents).

RedHat Package Manager search file utility

For every one, who has problems with missing include or binary files and do not know, which (not installed) package contains it.
It's named rpmfsu (rpm file search utility).

Delete all IPv4 routes through a specified interface at once

For every one, who have problems deleting IPv4 routes at once through a specified interface. Intention was the problem of automatic re-dial-up after hang-up because only the default route to PPP device was cleared, but not all routes to the interface.
It's named delip4routes (delete ipv4 routes).

Up-to-date Linux kernel info mailer

Intention was the automatic notification of the release of new Linux kernels by e-mail.
It's named kernelinfo and should be called by the cron daemon once a day or .

Major Linux kernel version depended configuration file switcher

Intention was the automatic change of some important configuration file during startup. At the moment, 2 files are supported:
  1. /etc/conf.modules (because there are some important differences between 2.0.x and 2.1.x)
  2. /etc/printcap (because the assignement of the lpx ports is different between 2.0.x and 2.1.x)
It's named switch_kernel and should be called by /etc/init.d/rc.sysinit after mounting all filesystems.


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