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IPv6 & Linux - Current Status - Distributions

Version: 4.00 from 2011-10-19

Copyright 2001-2011 by Peter Bieringer <>, original site of publishing:
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This page is currently not updated since longer time and will be closed in the future.

Following table should show the status of some major Linux distributions in case of IPv6 enabling, work in progress...

If you find a still unknown or probably in the table and know more about it, please send corrections to me - thank you!

Comparison of currently available major Linux distributions


yes built-in native IPv6 support
no-hint IPv6-support can be enabled by doing some work
no packet not IPv6 enabled
n/a packet not available
n/a-hint packet not availabe, but there are hints or other packets (which do the same) available


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If no table is shown, try this URL: IPv6+Linux-status-distributions-current.html (native table without HTML, HEADER and BODY tags).

New: There is also an extended version of this table available, including more applications and distributions and also some statistical values on last rows. You can get it here: IPv6+Linux-status-distributions-current-full.html (native table without HTML, HEADER and BODY tags).

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20:42:47 GMT
Layout: short
Red Hat Linux 8.0 (Psyche)  Fedora Core 5 (Bordeaux)  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 () Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 ()
Basics rhl-8v0  fedoracore-5  rhel-3 rhel-4
iproute yes (2.4.7)
 yes (2.6.15)
 still unknown (2.4.7) still unknown (2.6.9)
iptables/iptables-ipv6 yes (1.2.6a)
 yes (1.3.5)
 n/a n/a
iputils yes (20020124)
 yes (20020927)
 still unknown (20020927) still unknown (20020927)
kernel yes (2.4.18-14)
as module, but without USAGI patch
 yes (2.6.15)
as module, but with USAGI extensions
 still unknown (2.4.21) still unknown (2.6.9)
net-tools yes (1.60)
 yes (1.60)
 still unknown (1.60) still unknown (1.60)
netkit n/a
 n/a n/a
tcpdump yes (3.6.3)
 yes (3.9.4)
 still unknown (3.7.2) still unknown (3.8.2)
Basic-Tools rhl-8v0  fedoracore-5  rhel-3 rhel-4
ping6 yes (part of iputils)
(part of iputils)
 yes (part of iputils)
yes (part of iputils)
tracepath6 yes (part of iputils)
(part of iputils)
 yes (part of iputils)
yes (part of iputils)
traceroute6 yes (part of iputils)
(part of traceroute)
 yes (part of iputils)
yes (part of iputils)
Network-Configuration rhl-8v0  fedoracore-5  rhel-3 rhel-4
inet6cfg n/a
 n/a n/a
initscripts yes (6.95)
 yes (8.31.1)
 still unknown (7.31.6.EL) yes (7.93.11.EL)
linuxconf n/a
 n/a n/a
rc-scripts n/a
 n/a n/a
yast n/a
 n/a n/a
yast2 n/a
 n/a n/a
Daemons rhl-8v0  fedoracore-5  rhel-3 rhel-4
apache/httpd yes (2.0.40)
 yes (2.2.0)
 still unknown (2.0.46) still unknown (2.0.52)
bind yes (9.2.1)
 yes (9.3.2)
 still unknown (9.2.2) still unknown (9.2.4)
cyrus-imapd n/a
 n/a  n/a still unknown (2.2.10)
exim n/a
 n/a  n/a still unknown (4.43)
fingerd still unknown  n/a  n/a n/a
ftpd-BSD n/a, but hint:
 n/a  n/a n/a
imap yes (2001a), but hint:
with IPv6-enabled xinetd
 n/a  still unknown (2002d) n/a
inetd n/a
replaced by xinetd
 n/a  n/a n/a
inn still unknown (2.3.3)  still unknown (2.4.2)  still unknown (2.3.5) still unknown (2.3.5)
openldap still unknown (2.0.25)  yes (2.3.19)
 still unknown (2.0.27) still unknown (2.2.13)
postfix no (1.1.11), but hint:
 yes (2.2.8)
 still unknown (2.0.11) still unknown (2.1.5)
ppp still unknown (2.4.1)  yes (2.4.3)
 still unknown (2.4.1) still unknown (2.4.2)
proftpd n/a
 n/a n/a
quagga still unknown  still unknown (0.98.5)  still unknown (0.96.2) still unknown (0.97.0)
radvd yes (0.7.1)
 yes (0.9.1)
 still unknown (0.7.2) still unknown (0.7.2)
rshd+rlogind+rexecd still unknown (0.17)  no
 n/a n/a
rsync still unknown  yes (2.6.6)
 still unknown (2.5.6) still unknown (2.6.3)
samba still unknown  still unknown (3.0.21b)  still unknown (3.0.0) still unknown (3.0.10)
sendmail yes (8.12.5), but hint:
update to at least 8.12.8 (security issue)
 yes (8.13.5)
 still unknown (8.12.10) still unknown (8.13.1)
squid still unknown (2.4.STABLE7)  no (2.5.STABLE12)
 still unknown (2.5.STABLE3) still unknown (2.5.STABLE6)
sshd still unknown  n/a  n/a n/a
tcpd/tcp_wrappers still unknown (7.6)  yes (7.6)
 still unknown (7.6) yes (7.6)
telnetd still unknown  n/a  n/a n/a
thttpd n/a, but hint:
 n/a  n/a n/a
ucd-snmp still unknown  n/a  n/a n/a
wu-ftpd still unknown (2.6.2)  n/a  n/a n/a
xinetd yes (2.3.7)
 yes (2.3.13)
 still unknown (2.3.12) still unknown (2.3.13)
zebra yes (0.93a)
 n/a  n/a n/a
Clients rhl-8v0  fedoracore-5  rhel-3 rhel-4
BitchX n/a
 n/a  n/a n/a
bind-utils/dnsutils yes (9.2.1)
 yes (9.3.2)
 n/a n/a
fetchmail still unknown (5.9.0)  yes (
 still unknown (6.2.0) still unknown (6.2.5)
finger still unknown (0.17)  yes (0.17)
 still unknown (0.17) still unknown (0.17)
ftp still unknown (0.17)  yes (0.17)
 still unknown (0.17) still unknown (0.17)
ircII n/a
 n/a  n/a n/a
kde still unknown  n/a  n/a n/a
lftp still unknown (2.5.2)  yes (3.4.2)
 still unknown (2.6.3) still unknown (3.0.6)
lynx still unknown (2.8.5)  yes (2.8.5)
 n/a still unknown (2.8.5)
mozilla yes (1.0.1)
 yes (1.7.12)
 still unknown (1.4) still unknown (1.7.3)
mutt still unknown (1.4)  still unknown (  still unknown (1.4.1) still unknown (1.4.1)
ncftp still unknown (3.1.3)  n/a  n/a n/a
netdate n/a
 n/a  n/a n/a
rdate still unknown (1.2)  still unknown (1.4)  still unknown (1.3) still unknown (1.4)
rsh+rlogin still unknown (0.17)  still unknown (0.17)  still unknown (0.17) still unknown (0.17)
slrn still unknown (  still unknown (  n/a n/a
ssh still unknown  n/a  n/a n/a
telnet yes (0.17)
 yes (0.17)
 still unknown (0.17) still unknown (0.17)
tin n/a
 n/a  n/a n/a
w3m still unknown (0.3.1)  still unknown (0.5.1)  n/a n/a
wget still unknown (1.8.2)  yes (1.10.2)
 still unknown (1.8.2) still unknown (1.9.1)
xchat still unknown (1.8.10)  still unknown (2.6.0)  still unknown (2.0.4) still unknown (2.4.0)
Tools rhl-8v0  fedoracore-5  rhel-3 rhel-4
apt n/a
 n/a n/a
bash still unknown  n/a  n/a n/a
curl still unknown (7.9.8)  yes (7.15.1)
 still unknown (7.10.6) still unknown (7.12.1)
cyrus-sasl still unknown  n/a  n/a n/a
ethereal still unknown  n/a  n/a n/a
lsof still unknown  n/a  n/a n/a
mpg123/mpg321 still unknown  n/a
license issue
 n/a n/a
nc still unknown (1.10)  yes (1.84)
 no (1.10)
no (1.10)
rpm still unknown (4.1)  still unknown (4.4.2)  still unknown (4.2.1) still unknown (4.3.3)
strace still unknown  n/a  n/a n/a

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