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IPv6 & Linux - HowTo - Part 4

Version: 4.00 from 2011-10-19

(P) & (C) 1997-2011 by Peter Bieringer <>, see copyright notice for more details
Original site of publishing: ; suggestions, comments and improvements are welcome!

Additional Applications

If you miss hint for the old inet6-apps based stuff, please goto Obsoletes
This section is now in building progress again, using glibc-2.1 based software...growing slowly (depending on given time)
For quickstart, look at given URLs on the status page


apache|apache2 (HTTP server)

Current Linux distributions already contain IPv6 enabled package, e.g. "httpd".
See also Deep Space 6 / Current Status of IPv6 Support for Networking Applications


See Linux IPv6 HOWTO / apache2

thttpd (HTTP server)

Current Linux distributions already contain IPv6 enabled package, e.g. "thttpd".
See also Deep Space 6 / Current Status of IPv6 Support for Networking Applications

Squid (HTTP proxy)

Current Linux distributions already contain IPv6 enabled package, e.g. "squid".
See also Deep Space 6 / Current Status of IPv6 Support for Networking Applications

Configuration issues

You have to adjust IPv4 only addresses to IPv6 ones like

mozilla (HTTP client/browser) / Firefox / Seamonkey

Current Linux distributions already contain IPv6 enabled package, e.g. "firefox" & "seamonkey"
See also Deep Space 6 / Current Status of IPv6 Support for Networking Applications

A list of sites for testing IPv6 HTTP transport is available at
You can also try my server IPv6 only server:

SMTP server Postfix

Current Linux distributions already contain IPv6 enabled package, e.g. "postfix"
See also Deep Space 6 / Current Status of IPv6 Support for Networking Applications

Router ADVertisement Daemon

Current Linux distributions already contain the tool, e.g. package "radvd"
See also Deep Space 6 / Current Status of IPv6 Support for Networking Applications

General: Configuring and starting

See Linux IPv6 HOWTO / radvd

Secure SHell (OpenSSH)

Current Linux distributions already contain IPv6 enabled packages "openssh" & "openssh-server""
See also Deep Space 6 / Current Status of IPv6 Support for Networking Applications



Section outdated, migration to Linux IPv6 HOWTO planned.

IPv6-enabled by the maintainers


The original ppp binary package distributed by Red Hat isn't IPv6 enabled.


First, test your installed pppd, perhaps it is already IPv6 enabled: strings `which pppd` | grep ipv6 should show e.g. IPv6 options which are mentioned in the man page.
Distribution RHL 6.2 RHL 7.1 RHL 7.2
ToDo untested untested rebuild source RPM with IPv6 enabling patches


Version and filename of the packet:

Latest version I've tested for IPv6 is 2.4.1-2 (IPv6-enabled rebuild on a RHL 7.2 system)

IPv6 enabled rebuild and installation:

Configuration and use:

See initscripts-ipv6 for details.


Section outdated, use Iperf instead.

IPv6-ported some time ago by Marc Mosthav, minor glibc-2.1 fix by Peter Bieringer <pb at bieringer dot de>


It's for measuring the TCP network throughput from one host to another.
The original software can't handle IPv6 addresses and can't be used in a mixed environment. So a ported version is needed.

Version and filename of the packet:

Current IPv6 enabled release is ttcp/ttcp+ipv6-2.tar.bz2


Application Path
ttcp6 /usr/local/bin/ttcp6

Unpacking, configuration and installation

  1. Move into the source directory, create a main directory and change into it
  2. Unpack the new source:
  3. Move into the source directory:
  4. Now compile:
  5. And install:


Try also ttcp6 {-?|-h} for more information.


Section outdated, use Iperf instead.

IPv6-ported some time ago by Marc Mosthav, minor glibc-2.1 fix by Peter Bieringer <pb at bieringer dot de>


It's for measuring the TCP network throughput by roundtrips.
The original software can't handle IPv6 addresses and can't be used in a mixed environment. So a ported version is needed.

Version and filename of the packet:

Current IPv6 enabled release is


Application Path
ptcp6 /usr/local/bin/ptcp6

Unpacking, configuration and installation

  1. Move into the source directory, create a main directory and change into it
  2. Unpack the new source:
  3. Move into the source directory:
  4. Now compile:
  5. And install:


Try also ptcp6 {-?|-h} for more information.

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