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Linux: ISDN

Version: 1.21 from 2005-03-03
Copyright 1997-2005 by Peter Bieringer <pb@bieringer.de>, original site of publishing: http://www.bieringer.de/linux/ISDN/
Unlimited non-commercial distribution of this document in its entirety is encouraged - please contact the author prior to commercial publication.

Suggestions, comments and improvements are welcome!


Changes to

My Configuration

Script files for RedHat 6.0 - 6.2

Script files for DLD 6.0 (old - no longer maintained)

Script files for DLD 5.4 (old - no longer maintained)

ISDN configuration under Linux is splitted into several steps and completly done by the distribution which will work in most cases.
But for some reasons, following script files can be very helpful.

Online/offline depended hostname resolving and nameserver configuration

This is useful, if you want to switch between 2 configuration, one for online and one for offline state. I.e. you're running a local nameserver and want to switch on forwarding to a outsided nameserver. Also you want to change your name resolving (this prevent your system from long timeouts during actual impossible name resolving).
Now I moved this mechanism to scripts which are triggered by the ppp daemon. So no other dial-up script is neccessary (this is the big change to my older files). It runs automatically at the background.
You will need

Startup script for IP masquerading with kernel-level firewalling (working as a transparent proxy):

You will need

Script files for DLD 5.3 (old - no longer maintained)

ISDN configuration under Linux is splitted into several steps:
  1. Initialisation of the hardware (ISA Plug & Pray)
  2. Hardware depended setup
  3. PPP depended setup
All these steps should be done completly by the distribution's setup. Also all necessary binaries are installed by the setup program.

Only a dialing control is needed for following features:

Here is the script /usr/local/sbin/isdn.dial

And a startup program for IP masquerading with firewall (transparent proxy):

Here is the script /etc/init.d/ip-masq.init

Script files for DLD 5.21 (old - no longer maintained)

Features of my script files

ISDN configuration under Linux can be splitted in several steps:
  1. Initialisation of the hardware (ISA Plug & Pray) - done in DLD 5.3 by
  2. Hardware depended setup
  3. PPP depended setup

Here the steps:

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